From fixing, to camera trapping, we have your back, telling stories in some of the remotest corners of the world.
Through raising the profile of unusual destinations and remote corners of our planet, we aim to grow awareness of at risk locations that are critical to the protection of some of our planet’s most threatened and iconic species.
We’re passionate about making films, sharing photography and encouraging others to tell some of the stories of these incredible places. Below is a selection of our work, as well as collaborations with some of our guests over the years.
BBC Earth
In 2020, Chris travelled to the remotest reaches of Sarychat-Ertash Nature Reserve to film snow leopards for a BBC Earth commission. Working closely with the Snow Leopard Trust, it was the beginning of a long-term venture to continue to raise the profile of the reserve.
National Geographic
In 2022, one our guests to Kyrgyzstan began work on a National Geographic article, showcasing the work of the rangers in protecting snow leopards. After perfecting his photography, National Geographic published the photo story in their March 2024 issue.
In 2023, Wild Expeditions collaborated with Nikon to bring high-end scoping equipment to the rangers of Sarychat-Ertash Nature Reserve. The use of such equipment is critical to research and conservation efforts and therefore a big contribution to the protection of snow leopards in the Tian Shan range.
Curiosity Stream
After 3 months in the Guyana jungle, Chris reached the Rewa Head, the source of a remote and pristine river deep in the jungle of Guyana. Rarely visited, many species here have never seen humans before, and some are still yet to be discovered! The result was Guyana: Last Eden. A film about adventure, environmental threat and the people trying desperately to protect it.
Select photography from our destinations.

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